
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Low-key weekend

In the end, I didn't do a whole lot over the weekend.  I largely read and listened to music (especially The Tragically Hip) on Sat., but I was up and mobile Sunday, so I suppose that's a good thing.  If anything my cough has gotten worse since Sunday, however, and I definitely need to track down some better cough drops.

Anyway, on Sunday I did a short grocery shopping trip, then I took my daughter to Value Village down on Queen to get the last parts of her costume.  And I put up the outdoor decorations, such as they are.

As you can see, we keep it pretty minimal.

It was nice to see the leaves changing.  I took a few photos on the way back from Queen St.  I still haven't decided about the art bus to the McMichael next Sunday, though I am sure it is quite pretty up in Kleinburg.  I'd say right now I am leaning against, but it really depends how I feel towards the end of the week (and also what I decide about seeing theatre and/or Blade Runner).

I did manage to get to the Toronto Cold Reads Sunday evening.  It was a lot of fun, though I was disappointed that only 2 of the 5 playwrights made it out.  I was particularly hoping to meet Anita Majumdar.

Anyway, in the short time before the run-through started (I was doing stage directions for a short piece about frogs in a polluted pond), I decided I wanted to set aside my parody/homage to Waiting for Godot, since if I send it anywhere it will be to SFYS for the December event.  So I started working on the final scene of Straying South.  I didn't get all that far (only about a page and a half), but it was enough for me to think that this is the next project I should return to.

I spent a bit more time Sunday and then Monday trying to track down the first two sections, since I decided with a bit of polishing and trimming, they could go to Toronto Cold Reads, but I couldn't find them anywhere!  I was getting kind of stressed about these missing scenes, since I was absolutely sure I had typed them out.  I finally found them, saved only onto one USB flash drive!  Anyway, after I found them (and breathed a big sigh of relief), I copied the material into a few other locations for safe-keeping.   I'd say I am actually fairly close to 45% done with the first draft of this play, so it isn't that outrageous to think if I focus, I can be done with it by December.  Not to say that there won't be plenty of other distractions.  Anyway, I should probably see if I can get a bit more sleep tonight...

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