
Monday, October 9, 2017

Wet Week

What a difference a day makes.  On Sat., I had been looking ahead to next week, and it looked completely clear.  I then heard on the news that Tropical Storm Nate had turned, barely sparing New Orleans (which is certainly a good thing) but that it will pass through Toronto, dumping a fair bit of rain on us Monday.  That's certainly unfortunate, as I had been considering going off to the movies (I'm curious about Blade Runner 2049).  I mean I can use tomorrow to watch the original (it's been a couple of years since I've seen it), but I'd rather not get stuck inside all day.

It is a bit more upsetting that Wed-Fri now look like they will have some rain, so I'll have to decide if I really will try to bike (I generally have to go to a number of public hearings on most evenings next week, so I probably wasn't going to be biking a lot anyway*).

It wasn't a super productive weekend, though I did find and file away some CDs and cleaned up the desk just a bit.  I also cooked and did the shopping.  The biggest event was hanging around and getting our internet upgraded.  I was kind of skeptical, but the speeds really are 3 times what we had and there seem to be fewer interruptions (knock wood).

I haven't really decided what I will do tomorrow if I don't watch Blade Runner (the original or the new one).  I probably should write more of my report and maybe do some creative writing.  I may also take the time to finish up the sock monkey, just so mentally I can move onto the next sewing task.

I am in just a bit of a lull in terms of theatre.  In a few weeks I'll be seeing a new George Walker play.  I've kind of decided to pass on Seven Siblings Future Fest, but maybe I'll have a change of heart.  I think the biggest question mark is whether I go see Life After, the new musical at Berkeley St. Theatre.  I generally pass on musicals (though I did finally get nosebleed tickets to Come From Away!), but the reviews have been very strong.  The only other thing on the immediate horizon is Bakersfield Mist, playing for a weekend in early Nov. (I believe at the Box).  I have some issues with the script (to say nothing of the Box!), but I know the lead actor and he's worth watching.  It may be that I end up seeing more concerts and holding off on theatre until Jan-March 2018, where things kind of explode (A Delicate Balance, The Humans, Jerusalem, Come from Away, etc.).  Anyway, lots to look forward to, and maybe, just maybe I'll buckle down to do my own writing.  I guess that is something good that might come out from a wet week.

* I'll have to step it up at the gym.  I am still going weekly, but I have cut back when I am biking to work a lot.  I'll definitely have to get back into the habit now that it is starting to get a bit chilly and dark in the evenings.  If I decide it's just too much of a bother to go, I will end up right where I was last spring, feeling gross about having gaining too much weight over the winter.

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