
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Another Halloween in the books

I suppose we really lucked out this year.  It was crisp, even a bit on the chilly side, but it didn't rain on Halloween itself.  It rained the following two days (and frankly the weekend looks like it will get rained out as well).  Last year it was clear as well, and perhaps the year before that.  I vaguely recall that it rained on Halloween in 2014.  It's just not much fun when you have to go trick-or-treating with an umbrella over your costume (to say nothing of the parents who generally end up with the umbrellas).

I managed to get home just before 6.  I saw one grandfather with a couple of kids in tow, but the trick-or-treating hadn't really started.  I was taking my daughter and one of her school friends around.  My wife and son (but mostly my son) were going to stay home and hand out candy.  Our neighbourhood has a fairly compressed schedule -- trick-or-treating is almost exactly from 6 to 7:45, and then the lights start going out and the party is over.  Actually quite a few of the families then head over to Langley for the big show (15 years' running now!).  Other streets keep doling out the candy longer, but I think it is nice that we don't have to stick too close to the door all evening long.

I mentioned that we don't do a whole lot in terms of decoration.  Due to that, and also the fence, we probably only get 2/3rd of the trick-or-treaters that my neighbours get, but it is still a fair number, which is nice but not overwhelming.  We typically end up with some candy left over.

Here are a few shots from the evening.

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