
Friday, November 17, 2017

Writing and rewriting

I am in the middle of a fair number of edit jobs.  Today I finished tightening up Double Sabbatical and entered it into a 10-minute play competition here in Toronto.  That's fairly exciting, and I am particularly gratified that I am a few days early.  I should hear back by mid-to-late December if it is accepted into the festival.  That would be awesome.  I think it's actually a solid piece and it lines up well with the festival theme, so fingers crossed.

I have four notes that I need to address on my 3Fest piece (the one I started) and I should be able to get to them by Saturday or Sunday.  I believe these will go up on the 26th, so that's very exciting.  I will admit that I am starting to scale back my involvement with Toronto Cold Reads, but I'm sure there will always be a bit of a connection there.

I have another interesting opportunity, but I really don't want to jinx it by saying too much too soon.  But in the meantime, I need to push through to get a first draft of (and a better ending for) "Final Exam."  I might be able to spend a fair bit of time on this on Sunday, especially as I am skipping Toronto Cold Reads.

The last couple of times I was at Cold Reads, however, I wrote out five or so pages of the last scene of "Straying South."  I am kind of on a roll here.  I think I should be able to finish that scene and loop back and fill in a couple more of the missing ones.  My goal is to wrap this up by the end of November.

However, I may still get distracted by writing out two pieces for Sing-for-Your-Supper.  One is a straight-up parody of plays that have played Toronto recently (including Albee's The Goat and Annie Baker's John).  The other is more of a homage to Beckett's Waiting for Godot.  Those also have to be turned in towards the end of November.  Anyway, it is exciting, even if a bit of a strain to have so many things on the go at once.

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