
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Great Opportunity (Toronto Fringe)

I've been waiting to hear back from the short play festival, and I haven't heard anything, which is probably not good news.  If I haven't heard by mid-Jan., then I will assume my piece wasn't accepted.  However, in a way I heard even more exciting news (which I wasn't expecting at all): my project has been provisionally accepted by the Toronto Fringe!  I have to go ahead and pay my fees and secure the permits to use the school (though the principal of Danforth said that would not be difficult).  Then I will be in the Fringe!  It has to be said there is a lot of luck involved in getting into the Fringe (the main stages are all by lottery!) but for me this year it was all about the hustle (hustling harder than others anyway) and not just settling for the first No I heard.  It is true that I often don't push quite hard enough when I want something.  My literary career could have been quite different had I not been discouraged so easily in the past.

Having learned my lesson from the past, I will go forward with this project, even if the lead actor flakes out on me and I have to recruit a whole new cast.  It's too good of a chance to squander, though I know in the end I'll lose money.  I'll put down the fee a bit later in the weekend, and then spend the rest of the weekend on the script.  Next week I'll see what I can do about recruiting the younger members of the cast and then try to nail down the two older actors who play teachers.  Unless something truly catastrophic happens, I'll be in the Fringe.  So cool.  Honestly, I'm still a little bit in shock.

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