
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wiped Out from the Weekend

I am getting so far behind in these posts.  At some point, I'll probably just wipe the slate clean and start fresh.  Anyway, I did a bit too much running around on the weekend, which I'll elaborate on in a moment.  I had noticed my cough had come back towards the end of the day Monday.  As it happened I basically had to stay out late to see SFYS (totally worth it to see my parody of Albee's The Goat go up).  Tuesday morning I was in really bad shape, and my director suggested I go home (though I would have just had to work from home since I wasn't getting out of any work obligations...).  I actually skipped going to the gym and got some extra sleep, which helped.  Today, I think the cold portion has more or less passed, but I have a really hacking cough, which I am hoping to get over by spring break!

To back up to the weekend, I got the groceries out of the way fairly early (well, except for tofu, which they were out of).  I had planned to take my son to see Black Panther, and the earliest showing was at Beach Cinema, so we set out.  As it turned out, there was some major water problem.  There was no running water in the theatre, so they had to close down for the whole weekend.  I'm sure the owners were just having kittens, giving up such a profitable weekend.  That didn't help us any, and we went back home, stopping off at the library on the way back.  On the positive side, I was able to take my daughter swimming at Matty Eckler, and it was more productive than usual.  I also bought her some new sneakers in the mall on the way back, though it looks like she might need to grow into them.

After some indecisiveness, my daughter decided she wanted to go to zoo after all on Sunday.  We had to hustle to get the ZipCar, since I wanted an early start.  The drive over was quite uncongested, and we made good time.  We got there about 9:45.  I mostly wanted to make sure they saw the pandas one more time, and in particular the panda babies.  We got a pretty good look at them before it got too crowded.  I'm going to put off the rest of the zoo story (and the accompanying photos) to my next post.  The drive back was in heavier traffic, but actually it moved along pretty well until I got onto the Don Valley South.  Then it was quite slow until maybe Lawrence.  I was just a bit stressed, since the car was due at 1, and the clock was ticking.  I ended up dropping it off with a couple of minutes to spare.  I then headed downtown to drop off some stuff at work and to meet two actors that want to be in the Fringe show.  The meeting went well.  On the way back home, I did stop off at the gym and got in a workout.  So it was a pretty full weekend, all things considered!  Probably best if I sign off now and get more rest.

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