
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Biking and Rain

I know some people are not that bothered by biking in the rain.  And indeed I biked pretty much year round in Vancouver, where there was often a fairly light rain.  Somehow the rain didn't bother me as much in Chicago (aside from a couple of downpours), but also the bike lanes are just wider there (and the fact that the mayor was such a strong cycling advocate meant that the police had to pay attention to drivers who endangered cyclists).  But I just really don't like doing it in Toronto.  I'm actually slightly more likely to bike in the cold than the rain.

Today I knew it was going to rain in the early afternoon.  I managed to not get wet coming home, but the pavement was pretty slick, and I was not feeling safe at all on the ride home.  Though it was nice that we almost broke double digits.  I think this is the first time that my hands haven't hurt (even with gloves) after I finished riding.  But it is supposedly going to rain most of the next five days.  Blah.  This could be a bit of a problem, since I was hoping to cycle to the Distillery District to see a play on Sat. and get my dry cleaning on the way back.  I guess I'll just see how it is closer to the day.  It looks like it will still be a challenge biking more than twice a week to work, but eventually we'll turn that corner.

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