
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Final Show!!!

Today at 4 pm is the last performance of Final Exam.  Last night, we had several walk-ups (a bit astonishing given our location) and got 20 people in the audience, which I was not expecting.  The energy was great (and a welcome change from Thurs, which was a low energy show to a certain extent).  We had the biggest reaction from the audience, including someone who got a bit carried away in their student role and answered Mr. Miller.  I wasn't expecting that...  It was really the best or second best performance of the run (just a couple of times the actors jumped on others' lines and one slightly missed cue).  We had great feedback after the show as well, but I think we can top that today...

We're hoping to get 3-4 more folks to turn out today (though more are welcome).  This will allow us to have an unbroken streak of 10 or more audience members at every show (in fact, we are averaging 17, which is great).  By the end of our run, just under 120 people will have seen the show.  To encourage folks to show up for the last performance, we have put the tickets on the Daily Discount, so they are only $8 (cash) at the door (or you can order them here).  Hope to see you!

Edit: It looks like we just made it to 10, and there might be a couple of walk-ups.  Yea!  Thanks for the support, and hope everyone had a wonderful Fringe!  I have just a few more shows to catch (I haven't decided on any of the Patron's choice shows Sunday evening, though I'm currently leaning against).

Edit2: Incredible!  We went from 7 last night to 27.  That might not actually count a few people that showed up at the door, and the Front of House manager said we were technically sold out.  All I know is I had to run for more chairs twice.  Now unfortunately, two of the friends of one of the actors thought the show was at 5 not 4, so they showed up as we were packing up.  Most unfortunate, but aside from that it was a great show overall, with a lot of good vibes from the audience.  I think anytime you go from thinking you are going to have a lightly attended show and then you jump up to essentially sold out is quite an adjustment.  (Obviously, a good problem to have.)  We also had the youngest audience members by far (perhaps a few under 10), which is probably the unofficial cut-off for age appropriateness of the show, but they seemed to be ok.  Hopefully no nightmares tonight.  I'm going to ponder if I am going to do anything more with the show, like run it again at Danforth Tech in the fall, but I am leaning against it.  One Fringe-like experience is probably enough.

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