
Friday, July 6, 2018

Textile Museum visit

For a slight change of pace (i.e. some posts not about Fringe), I thought I would cover our recent trip to the Textile Museum.  This is a relatively small museum, tucked away just a few blocks northwest of City Hall.  I do try to go a couple of times a year to catch the main exhibits.

We actually went a few weeks back, just as the Jane Kidd exhibit was closing (sorry) but the quilt exhibit that opened will be on view through September 23, so plenty of time to check that out.

First, here is an example of Kidd's tapestry art.

Jane Kidd, Burn, 2017

Then a selection of quilts, many looking more like paintings than quilts.

Erica Waaser, Across 2, 2015

Anneliese Zimmermann-Vogl, Purple Dance, 2015

It was a pleasant trip.  The next exhibit will be on beads.  Right now I am not sure that is compelling enough to make the trip, but perhaps there will be some sort of a hook that makes it more interesting to me.  I'll check back in in a few months.

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