
Sunday, July 8, 2018

What's Cooking in the Kitchen at Fringe?

I had a chance to drop by the Ralph Thornton Community Centre to see Kitchen Sink Drama.  (It's actually right next to Queen Garden Centre, where I saw a beautiful tree that I hoped to plant in my front yard, only to be foiled by the city bureaucracy, but that's another story...)

As we mentioned elsewhere, we are promoting a Saturday double-feature of our show at 4 pm and then their show at 7:30.  Obviously, it's too late to do that this weekend, but next weekend would work, and the weather is supposed to be nice.  There's plenty of time to grab something quick to eat on Queen St. as you head down to Queen from Gerrard.  But leave some room for the snacks.  My companion for the evening and I ended up with pretzels, chocolate-covered coffee beans (a bit too bitter for my taste), almonds and gummy bears.

The cast was solid.  My favourite courses were the Main and Sweet Dessert, both about affairs of the heart and both ultimately quite sweet.  If you really follow along, you can learn how to cook risotto and how to make a trifle, which looked decadent indeed.  One thing that was a bit of an issue, but probably won't be next week, is that the Leslieville Music Festival was going on.  There was a band right in the street between Ralph Thornton Community Centre and Queen Garden Centre playing Latin music at full blast during three of the short pieces.  (There was a short set break that coincided with the Main course.)  For the Sweet Dessert, the setting was a late-night raid on the kitchen (at a bed and breakfast).  When the music kicked back in (a cover of Camila Cabello's Havana), one of the actors started dancing along, as if it were a radio in the next room playing really loudly.  It was probably the best way to acknowledge the elephant in the room...  While I was initially a bit nervous about being in the front row for the show (it's a very tight venue, much smaller than our room at Matty Eckler), I was glad we sat there, so we could hear the actors over the music.  I really don't know if I would have been able to hear at all had I been sitting next to the window.  Music aside, it was a satisfying ending to the day, and I would encourage folks to turn up and support a fellow East End show.

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