
Friday, September 21, 2018

Another Sucky Day

There aren't that many days where I truly think I should have just stayed in bed, but yesterday definitely qualified.  My daughter was throwing up constantly, but there didn't seem to be anything else wrong with her (no fever, chills, aches).  We were wondering if it was just anxiety related to going to a new school.  Nonetheless, in the end, my wife kept her out of school and took her to the clinic, while I headed off to work.

I couldn't keep my runny nose under control, though I thought it was just allergies, exacerbated by the heavy clouds pushing pollen down.  Then my wife called and said my daughter had the flu after all.  I felt worse and worse through the day, finally leaving at 3 (only a bit early).

On the way home, some jerk of a taxi driver refused to close his door, so I had to swerve around that, then I was pinched by a bus running too close to the curb, and I ended up with my tire rubbing right up against the curb, and I fell over on the bike.*  I went straight down, not into traffic, so it could have been far, far worse.  Neither I nor the bike was run over by a car.  I didn't even bruise myself too badly.  However, the brake handle was completely bent and almost impossible to use.

That meant instead of going straight home, I had to stop off at the bike shop.  They think it will be about $100 to replace everything, since the one part that is bent is part of a set (naturellement).  So yes, I would have been a lot better off just staying home and resting yesterday.  Needless to say, I am staying home from work today...

* There are actually many things I won't miss about work, but probably #1 is not having to bike to Union Station.  Biking anywhere downtown is a total nightmare (and anyone who says biking in Toronto is safe but it just seems unsafe is a total liar), but being able to avoid Union Station would be a great start.

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