
Monday, September 10, 2018

Disgusting, horrible day

So many things went wrong today, not least of which was getting soaked on the way to work.  I had to transfer three times and then walk a couple of blocks and finally I ducked into a building to find my way to the Path.  I was so wet and uncomfortable.  That lasted pretty much all day.  Then I thought the rain had stopped, but it started up again on my way home from work!

In the morning, I learned that the government lawyers had done such a poor job of defending Doug Ford's policies that the judge took the surprising step of voiding his plan to cut Toronto's city council in half.  This was already going to lead to turmoil, when Doug announced in the early afternoon that he was going to use the notwithstanding clause (a truly terrible part of the Constitution that never should have been allowed), which is essentially the equivalent of the nuclear option.  His advisors should advise him to use far more restraint, but there seem to be no competent adults at all in this government (sound familiar?).  What's worse is that Doug has made it clear that he will use the notwithstanding clause quite often, when he loses court cases, which is frankly leading his party down the path of amoral lawlessness.  I've decided that I will need to take a stand, however quixotic, but I'll write more about that at the appropriate time.  Quite frankly, if it weren't for the disruption that it would cause my family yet again, I would consider leaving Ontario, though it is unbelievably sad how few places seem to have any stability at all anymore.  I suppose, taking the really long view, what the GTA does have going for it is it will be far less impacted than most other parts of the world due to climate change, but it is not going to be a pleasant ride in the short term (or the medium term if we have to face the full impact of climate refugees or the US trying to drain the Great Lakes).  To be honest, I just see a very bleak future at every turn, so maybe it is best if I just turn in for the night.  Maybe I will be in a slightly better mood in the morning, though somehow I doubt that.

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