
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Fall Arrives with a Vengeance

It was surprisingly chilly this weekend.  It felt like late Oct.!  Granted, some of this is due to how unseasonably warm it had been the previous week, but it was still a surprise.  It didn't help that I had a cold.  I'm not quite sure where this came from, though probably just running myself ragged and finally relaxing just a bit (I didn't have anything specific planned for the weekend).

I mostly slept and did some computer work, though I did run up to the bike store to drop off my bike for a belated tune-up and to have lights put on my son's bike (the ones I bought never turned up).  It's definitely just as well I asked the owner to install them, since the rear light wouldn't work.  He went through 3 sets!  Finally, he installed a different brand for the rear light.  Either they are shipping them with completely dead batteries, or he got a very bad batch of lights.

I told my son to ride back on his own, and I walked over to the library to drop off a book and then over the farmer's market at Withrow Park.  Then I took a nap and later bought groceries.

Sunday wasn't too different.  My daughter and I went over to the mall when it opened at 11 and got a few remaining school supplies.  Interestingly, Staples was much better stocked than Walmart, which looked like it had been hit by locusts.  After having lunch, I took another long nap.  I think I am basically over the cold, though now my wife seems to have caught it, even though I tried to isolate myself from everyone.

I basically have to pull myself together for Monday, partly due to work and partly because I have a piece on the SFYS slate.  (This was an idea that sort of came to me in a dream about an ill-tempered writing instructor leading a writers' retreat.  I could see how this might conceivably be extended to a longer piece, though it may just not be worth the effort.  I have a TV pilot that I'd rather work on, though I certainly didn't have the energy this weekend.)  Anyway, if you are interested, SFYS will start at 8 pm at Tarragon Monday evening.  I think I should probably call it quits for the evening if I am going to make it to work in the morning.

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