
Friday, October 5, 2018

Back on the Bike

Still a lot of fairly painful healing going on.  My vision is more or less back to normal, though I found while reading on the subway, it was still easier to close one eye.  There is still a bit too much pressure behind my eyes, and I am surely not getting enough sleep.  I should be able to sleep in a fair bit this weekend, and then on Monday as well (since we aren't having any family over for Canadian Thanksgiving).

I put in a full day of work on Thurs., then went over to the bike shop at the end of the day.  I picked out a new helmet.  I found that I wasn't super steady on the bike going down Jones.  In part I didn't have a separate bike bag.  But mostly the pavement still sucks, even in the bike lane, and I could feel all the bumps very intensely.  I found I had to keep swerving to avoid pot holes.  In addition, my hands are still quite weak and braking was a challenge.  Since Jones is steep, that meant riding the brakes a lot.  The only upside to the memory loss (surrounding the accident) is that it is so complete I have no idea what happened and am not all that fussed about getting back on the bike, whereas I would probably be more "gun shy" if I remembered the accident and falling off the bike.  The limiting factor is that I don't want to try to ride for any significant distance until my hands have healed up more, since it just won't be safe to try to go out before that.

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