
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Frustrating (Theatre) Misses

I know it isn't possible to keep track of all theatre events, and even less possible to go to all of them.  That said, I find it annoying when I find out (later) about productions that I missed out on by moving to Toronto just a few months too late, or, even worse, simply wasn't plugged in and missed them, even though I was already here.

I came quite close to being able to catch Soulpepper doing Angels in America when I came to Toronto to look for housing in 2014.  Now I have actually seen this twice (once on Broadway right before the original run closed and then in an intimate Chicago performance), but I would have probably gone anyway.  Strangely enough, I had the dates all wrong in my memory.  I didn't come to Toronto until late summer 2014 (and then wasn't really settled enough to go to theatre until the fall).  So there are definitely a few shows that ran in 2012 or 2013, but I wouldn't have been in any position to see them.  This includes Acykbourn's The Norman Conquests at Soulpepper (and no chance they will be reprising this), Tennessee Williams' The Night of the Iguana at Hart House and then Yellowface also at Hart House but in 2011.  

Beckett's Happy Days hasn't been on here for some time.  Apparently, it was last seen at Theatre Passe Muraille in 2010 (when I wasn't even in BC), though this wasn't a great performance apparently.  Likewise, I did not manage to catch a UBC production of Happy Days, or rather I wasn't willing to pay the inflated air fare back to Vancouver...  I'm not sure why this is produced so rarely (nowhere in the world in 2018-19 according to Samuel French.)  But wait...

In terms of shows I just missed, I should have been able to catch Unit 102's Lobby Hero in late 2014.  This one is fairly annoying, but I'll probably eventually see it.  I do recall a few years ago, I thought I would see American Hero in Detroit, but that fell through when it became obvious my daughter wasn't up for such a long car ride...  I think I already moaned about missing out on several of Walker's Suburban Motel plays, both in Vancouver and then here at Ryerson (when they screwed up my reservation) but I also missed out on Moss Park and Tough in 2013 (at Theatre Passe Muraille?).  Perhaps the single most annoying failed connection is Wajdi Mouawad's Dreams/(Reves) in 2016.  That last one was just due to poor publicity on their part, as I found out about it far too late.

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