
Monday, October 29, 2018

Thanks for Nothing, TTC

I am getting so fed up with the lousy service on the TTC.  I already talked about the problems I had a couple of weekends ago, more or less stranded waiting on the Gerrard/Carlton streetcar.  Well, tonight I wanted to get to the Dakota, which meant the most direct route was to take the Dundas bus.  So we waited and waited and waited.  Not surprisingly, when a bus finally turned up, it was completely packed, and I am not really in a mood to be a strap-hanger in a completely packed bus (partly due to my hands and partly just due to general annoyance).  I decided to wait on the next one and hung out for a while, but there was nothing even in the far distance, so I just gave up and came home.  So there you go -- an evening basically ruined by the TTC.  Actually, a year or two ago it was even worse, as I was trying to get to a friend's birthday party and there were absolutely no streetcars running in the right direction.  I should have just Uber'ed it...

I think I will simply cross the Dakota off the list as a place too remote for me to even bother with in the future.  I'm not entirely sure why but the Dundas cross-town service does seem to be absolutely horrific, whereas Queen is usually passable and King is getting to be almost reliable.  But this certainly contributed to a generally shitty day, and I think I may just go lay down, since I don't think I am good for much this evening aside from sulking.  I think this weekend, I may try to take a short bike ride (and then possibly a longer one to Soulpepper on Sunday), in preparation to take control of my (travel) destiny back from the TTC.  Of course, if things don't go well (and my hands can't handle the strain), then I will be in an even worse mood come next Monday.

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