
Monday, October 1, 2018


I guess I'll touch on a number of things here, some of which I only barely mentioned previously in the blog, but that's my prerogative.

I seem to be coming along relatively well in terms of my overall recovery.  A few of the worst scabs fell off and have been replaced with thinner scabs, though they still itch.  The worst in terms of nagging pain is the inside of my mouth, where my teeth tore up my inner lip.  Anyway, here is what I look like after a few nights back from the hospital.

I had been planning on going to the dentist fairly soon, but I may want to hold off until the teeth feel like they have resettled.  I am only occasionally getting headaches, and mostly when I have been starting at screens too long (so I'll keep this fairly short).  I haven't tried reading from a book at all.  I am still having some issues with right eye/left eye coordination for close-in tasks, so I assume if I do any sewing at all it will be with one eye closed.  I'm obviously concerned, though I would say that the issue seems to be getting better.  (I'll probably try reading a bit tonight and see how that goes.)  Given what could have happened (i.e. losing an eye), this seems manageable.  Clearly, I wish I could turn back time and not have whatever happened happen to me, but I'll try to be reasonably stoic for once.

I'm not really up on the details, but Canada and the US have come to some terms on NAFTA pt. 2.  It is annoying, though not surprising that copyright was extended to 70 years past the author's death (up from 50), though this may have occurred anyway based on the TPP and CETA agreements.  There is also supposed to be a slight increase in how much dairy can reach us from the US (my goodness, what a fuss Trump kicked up over that), but apparently some version of Chapter 19 dispute resolution is still in place.  It may be the best deal that could have been wrested from the Oompa-Loompa in Chief.  I don't think it will really impact me.*  If I ever really did put a poetry anthology together, I would have had to gather the information on authors assuming that US rules were in place.

I don't even want to discuss the Supreme Court fiasco.  It's just so sickening that the Republicans won't die off soon enough, but they still manage to game the system in ways that gives them far too much power.  I guess in the end they know it is about power (and results) and are not particularly interested in their reputations.  If there isn't a pretty seismic shake-up in Nov., then I won't be going back any time soon.  It's too much like watching the decline of Imperial Rome.

* I'm actually more annoyed than I should be over the Liberals playing it too cute over the de minimis level.  I've read that the tax and duty-free level went from $20 (basically the lowest in the Western world) to $40, but only if you don't use Canada Post.  That may be incorrect reporting, however, and I'll wait to see before I truly get outraged.  This article suggests the duty-free limit increased substantially, though the tax-free level only doubled.  That certainly seems more reasonable.   I don't actually buy all that much from the States (mostly books or LPs you can't find here), and usually I have them go to family in the States for pick-up later, because international shipping costs have gotten so outrageous over the past 10 years.  In general, it seems Canadians simply cannot compete on an even field -- and can't even get rid of their own internal trade barriers.  In addition to not reaping that much benefit from NAFTA (aside from the auto manufacturers), European firms are taking advantage of CETA far more than Canadian firms.  Just as well that I am not a Canadian nationalist...

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