
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ups and Downs

Probably just as well I didn't post anything yesterday.  I was in an absolutely rotten mood, partly brought about by some political changes (absolutely everything coming from the provincial level is absurd these days) and partly because I was stressed due to a bunch of last-minute homework-related demands from the children.  I need a bit more time to prepare, so that the printer has enough ink, I can find old family photos, or whatever.  Also, transit has been particularly terrible for two days straight, but the weather has gotten so cold that, even were my hands in better shape, I wouldn't be biking.

Last night was a bit better.  We got the printer going, and my daughter was done with her homework not long after dinner.  My cold seems to have moved into a new phase, where I am still congested but my nose is much less runny.  I can live with that.  I decided I was no longer contagious, and I did make it over to the gym (before the freakish cold snap descended).  I'm still having trouble with the machines where you push the bars, but I'm getting pretty close to my pre-accident loads with the machines where you pull.  I still seem a long way away from being totally recovered though.  Maybe by the spring.  It will definitely be a challenge, but I'll try to get over to the gym twice a week through the winter.  It's good that it is so close, and also I usually am a bit more motivated to go if I can combine the trip with a shopping trip or a grocery run.

I am excited that I've finally hit DeLillo's White Noise in my reading list.  I liked this a lot when I read it (probably in my 20s).  I hope I feel the same about it this time around.  I'll know soon enough and will report back in a while.

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