
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Black Mood Descending

I was in a generally upbeat mood towards the end of the afternoon.  Yesterday I made a lot of progress on my year-end round up posts.  I'd like to squeeze in one more formal book review and perhaps some general notes on what I have been reading lately before the end of the year, but it isn't the end of the world if I don't.

I even snuck in a half-trip to the gym, in the sense I went but mostly to use the stationary bike and only did a half set of weights, since I had just been there for a full work out on Sat.  And I think my cold has finally let up, so that was a pleasant surprise.

I have pretty much given up on covering the roof of my Little Free Library with tiles.  While it would probably look pretty nice, essentially every guide says that outdoor tiles won't stick to wood and in general it just isn't worth it because they'll have to be replaced within a season.  I suppose I was starting to get turned off by the expense (this outdoor box is really starting to add up).  So I will just get some roofing shingles and put them on the top with a bit of a slanted false roof on top of the actual box.  This shouldn't be too hard to manage, though I don't know if I can just buy some spare shingles at the Home Depot.  I'll check that out on my next trip.  I will say that getting back across the parking lot was fraught, and then I slipped on my way back over the bridge, since they just don't keep it maintained very well in the winter.  (The pedestrian underpass to replace this bridge can't come soon enough for me...)

Anyway, I decided to head right back out to try to see Cuarón's Roma, which was playing at Tiff Lightbox downtown.  I just missed the bus by 30 seconds or so.  That is, if I had left 30 seconds earlier, I would have been able to beat the bus across the intersection and make it to the bus stop in time.  So I was thoroughly pissed.  I ended up crossing the street anyway, to see if I could snap a couple of pictures of the sunset.  I let one car go by, then crossed.  Then next car not only didn't stop, but seemed to try to swerve around me so it wouldn't have to stop and crossed over the center line.  The problem was, I had already moved that far across, so it was literally headed straight for me and it seemed to be speeding up.  It missed me by only a couple of inches, and in fact the next driver stopped and asked if I had been hit, since it seemed impossible I hadn't been.  I was just so furious and so shaken up.  I turned around and went home.  I've had enough crap happen this month that the last thing I need is to be out and get hit by a car.  The universe seemed to be giving me the sign that it was not safe to be out and about.  So fuck Roma.  I have absolutely no intention of seeing it now, probably not even on Netflix.  And fuck all you shitty Toronto drivers.

When I get in this mood, it isn't the black dog of depression (that Michael Williams, Judi Dench's husband used to get), but rather just a deep hatred for the vast majority of humanity.  About the only good thing about climate change is that I will probably be still alive to see gas prices go up to $10/litre and watch all the selfish drivers suffer.  Ideally, I'll even see oil patch executives charged as war criminals, but that may just be a bit far fetched.  It's been a couple of hours since the incident, and I'm still royally pissed off.  I am going to write the Councillor and explain how dangerous the intersection really is and demand some improvements.  I might as well focus my ire on something reasonably productive.

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