
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Minor Holiday Triumphs

Certainly the elephant under the tree is that I have completed all the holiday shopping already (really by midweek last week) and ran over to a couple of dollar stores to get the stocking stuffers over the weekend.  Now I may get one more gift card, but that's a fairly simple matter (and can be done on-line).  I haven't wrapped the gifts, but I have a couple more days for that.

Now I am considering acquiring a new microwave, since the one we have is acting very strangely, even sparking when it shouldn't (when there is no metal inside).  This wouldn't precisely be a Christmas present, but I might as well take advantage of the various sales going on now.  I don't think these things can be recycled, so I probably need to see when the next small appliance pick up is scheduled.

I am about halfway done cooking* for tonight (and usually my wife covers the more traditional holiday cooking).  We even have a party to go to on Christmas Eve, so things are pretty well done on the food front.  I haven't really felt like doing any cooking baking, but I may get in the mood Monday or Tuesday.  I did pick up some blueberries and may bake blueberry bread or something.  (Muffins seem a bit too fussy, and I don't think I have the muffin liners anyway.)

I have managed to get to the gym on average three days a week.  I haven't biked much naturally, though I may go out today, since it is chilly but no snow in the forecast.  I finally weighed myself.  It looks like I have gained back 3-4 pounds (out of roughly 40 lost), which is far from ideal, but I had expected it to be in the 5-10 pound range, between grief eating and just too many sweets around the office.  I can cope with this and for sure get back into better habits in the new year.

I had hoped to get a bit more reading done, as well as finish the Little Free Library.**  And perhaps return to the quilt, which is maybe 1/3 done.  The unfortunate truth is that there is a lot of work that is due Monday, so I haven't had that much free time, so assuming I can get through this all by tonight, then I should have a couple of solid days to relax.  Then back to the grindstone.

* This may not count as a triumph of any sort.  I attempted to make paella, but I don't think the rice was at all suitable, and it is more of a casserole with rice rather than proper paella.  It may be edible but that's about it.  Drat. 

** On the theme of books, I have finally found places (though in some cases only temporary) for the various books I brought back from North Carolina.  I don't like adjusting my bookshelves that often, but it had to be done.

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