
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Shopping for clothes

I suppose it was latent superstition that led me to not pack any dressy clothing Monday night, i.e if I didn't have anything appropriate to wear to a funeral, there wouldn't be a funeral.  Needless to say, it didn't work out...

So yesterday, my brother and I went over to the mall in Greensboro (the one in High Point having closed last year).  While there are certainly malls in Toronto, with the Eaton Centre doing quite well, this did feel like a throwback to the malls I went to as a teenager, especially as there was still a JC Penney's.  I managed to pick up a couple of shirts (50% off), black pants and shoes (only 20% off).  My dress shoes at work are starting to give out, so it isn't a total waste.  While I am probably still a size down from last year, I am clearly regaining some weight, and I'll have to get back on the wagon when I get back to Toronto.  Between retirement parties and just too much junk food floating around due to the holidays (and now this funeral), I've been doing way too much stress eating.  This will have to stop...

I had started going to the gym again and was back up to twice a week, before this all threw me for a loop.  I should see if I can get back to three times.  And just maybe I'll get the bike out of storage and do some winter biking as well.  Though for that I would need to buy some winter gear, so I might need to head over to Mec when I get back.  It's always something...

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