
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Trying to Get Back in the Swing of Things

I'm sure I'm still pushing a bit too hard, trying to get back on top of work so soon after my father's funeral, but there just seems to be so much to do these days.  I will get a couple of days off soon, but I'm not really taking that much time off.

In any case, I have kept up with the gym, and am back to 3 times a week.  Unfortunately, my spirit is proving far too weak when it comes to all the holiday treats around the office.  I don't even want to weigh myself until I've lost some of the weight I've gained.  I'm not really sure what I can do to replace all the biking I was doing.  I did bike to the office last Sunday just to see how it went.  Going there wasn't too bad, but I was pretty sore on the return.  I did look at getting more padded grips, and that might help.  In any event, I'm not eager to keep biking as the temperature keeps dropping (and it is so dark on the return).  I suppose I could try jogging, though that doesn't appeal to me either.  I did get a bit of advice from a physiotherapist, but overall she didn't think there was anything specific I should do other than just give my hands more time to heal, so I am still targeting the spring to be back to normal, more or less.

I did manage to force myself to go to the Eaton Centre after work and got the remaining gifts for my daughter.  (The crowds were pretty bad, but I stayed focused and was in and out fairly quickly.)  Then I got something for my son at Gerrard Square, so I am done with my Christmas preparations aside from wrapping and grabbing some stocking stuffers (probably just from the dollar store).  It's not the fastest I've ever been done with holiday shopping, but it's not too bad.

After a very long time of just letting things slide, I finally started going to the dentist again.  I have a couple of problem spots and will need an old filling replaced, but it could have been a lot worse.  I should be able to stay in their good books with regular visits from now on.

The Little Free Library is slowly coming together.  I'm working on the door to close in the front.  If I can manage to get this put together in the next couple of days, I'll have to decide how to install the post (and whether to use some cement or not) and then if I can come up with a sufficiently stable bracing system.  Plus I haven't decided exactly what to do about the roof, if I should really try for roofing shingles or some tile.  That can probably be added on later.

Later this week I do want to do a bit more creative writing, but not right now.  More than anything, I just need more rest, so I guess I will head off to bed.

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