
Monday, January 14, 2019

Library Open for Business!

It was a very cold weekend, but I managed to install the Little Free Library in the front yard!  Check it out:

If you look really closely, you can see a few of the books I crossed off my main reading list (Ship of Fools, Hard Times, The Fisher King and Within Normal Limits).

I haven't taken the time to register this with the official LFL group, but I will probably do that over the next few days.  Now I want to make sure that I don't actually have to list and track all the books (that sounds too much like actual work), but I'm fine with registering so people know it's there.

It's just as well that the table turned up, since the ground is frozen pretty solid, and I don't think I could have actually dug a hole deep enough.  Instead, I screwed the stand into the table and the library into the stand.  I can always rethink the pole option down the road, but it seems sufficiently stable for now.

It actually was a fairly busy and productive weekend (I also got the Christmas lights out of the tree), but I'm pretty tired now.  I should head out and get some rest before tomorrow, since it looks like another full day ahead.

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