
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Resolutions? for 2019

I don't typically made full-blown resolutions for New Year's, as they aren't sustainable and you just feel worse when you can't live up to your "better self."  I've actually been doing quite well going to the gym, though it does get harder once it is cold and there is snow on the ground and I have to drag myself across the bridge.  I would like to keep up with the exercise and perhaps make it over to the Regent Park Aquatic Centre from time to time.  I haven't decided if I am going to buy better shoes and start jogging, but it isn't a bad idea.

Last year I followed through on a long-held pledge to produce my own play (Final Exam at Toronto Fringe).  I don't feel as obligated to do this again, though I will keep my eyes open for opportunities at theatre festivals and small companies looking for submissions, but I probably won't self-produce again.  I will keep writing the short playlets when I am inspired, and indeed I have a couple that I have to type up for today and send off to Sing-for-Your-Supper.

One thing that I will set aside time for this year is to polish my poetry of transportation anthology and shop that around to at least a couple publishing houses.  And I really should get the sewing machine set back up again, so I can finish the second quilt I started.

It looks like I will finish this academic article with my co-author, and we'll send that off to a high-quality academic journal.  This might end up consuming a fair bit of time.  Depending on how it goes, there are two (or even three) other articles in gestation that I might try to get out there.

Beyond this, I probably should brush up my French.  But that's the closest I'm going to get to a traditional New Year's resolution.

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