
Friday, January 18, 2019

Toronto downtown art show

While I think I only make it every other year, I do like going to the big outdoor art show in Nathan Phillip Square.  It is usually in July, right around the time of the Toronto Fringe.  This year it will be July 12-14.

Here are a handful of artists that caught my attention from the last two times I visited:

Lori Mirabelli, Fading Out
Lori Mirabelli

Diana Rosa, Dream Vacation
Diana Rosa


James Paterson, It Talks And It Talks And It Talks And All I Have To Do Is Listen
James Paterson

Elizabeth Elkin, Times Square
 Elizabeth Elkin

While Elkin had some interesting abstracts, I did prefer her cityscapes.

Ivano Stocco, By Sweetness Alone
Ivano Stocco

Stocco splits his time between Guelph and LA!  Several of his pieces, including the one above, reminded me of the city paintings of Wayne Thiebaud.  Some, though not all, are very large paintings, and you don't often see such large canvases at an outdoor art show, not least because it is such a hassle transporting them.  While I really don't have any extra wall space in my house, I must say that several of Stocco's paintings tempted me.

Bonnie Miller, Dante's Lighthouse
Bonnie Miller

I liked the color palate that this artist used, reminding me a fair bit of Kandinsky. I ended up getting into a fairly long conversation with Bonnie Miller over her Impermanence Project.  Somewhat to my surprise, I ended up participating, but that will have to be discussed separately.

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