
Monday, March 18, 2019

Brisk Biking Day

Last night I tried to get my bike ready.  Ultimately it was so cold outside that I brought the bike inside to warm up the tires before I could inflate them.  Even now I should probably throw a bit more air in the back tire.  It was a real relief this morning to get the bike back outside where it belonged.

I did bike in the morning.  I found it unpleasantly chilly, though I suppose it was good that I noticed the cold more than any pain in my hands.  I'll plan on riding back tonight, then aim to bike Tuesday and Friday.  At least this way I'll be able to balance reading during the commute with getting exercise...

While there are certainly a few hard-core cyclists out all year, it is a very slow trickle ramping up now.  That means I have to be extra cautious, as drivers still aren't really expecting to see cyclists.  I'll try to avoid leaving too late, as I don't want to be out as it turns to dusk.  All things considered, I'm still glad to be cycling, but I think I will enjoy it more next week as it gets warmer!

Update: I was a bit sore this evening, though I think doing the stationary bikes all the way through winter did help a bit.  I'm struggling to believe my eyes that there is a heavy dusting of snow on the ground this morning!  I'm still leaning toward riding in, but it may be a last-minute decision on whether I actually follow through.

Update 2: It was considerably colder than I expected it to be, and my hands were painfully cold for quite a while after coming inside.  I suppose one small positive is that I wasn't sweaty (as usual) and thus I could skip the showers.  They are closed for repairs, and I am hoping they will be back in service by Friday, though this is somewhat unlikely.  Still, going back shouldn't be quite so bad, as it should warm up throughout the day.

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