
Friday, March 1, 2019

Hunkering Down

This week has been a very challenging one for me.  It wasn't the very coldest.  We did get another significant snowfall, though no ice storm this time around (and the sidewalks around here have been largely, though not completely, cleared of ice).  But it just feels like this has been an endless winter, and I am so tired of it.  I had planned on going to the gym last night, but got home a bit late from work and basically just collapsed on the couch.  I should be able to make it tonight (and it should be marginally warmer out) and then on Sunday after I get back from a play at East Side Players.  But I am thoroughly sick of the winter.  It hasn't caused all that many changes to my plans, other than I am not doing any cycling at all.  I think I did bike once or twice in December.  Mostly I really feel like hibernating and waiting it out until the spring.

On the positive side of things, I did manage to get two items submitted for Sing-for-Your-Supper, including a mash-up of the Iliad and Disney cartoons.  I was going to do another piece inspired by Pinter's Betrayal (which I'm seeing next week), but I ran out of steam and time.  I briefly debated turning The Visitation into a short story and submitting it to the Toronto Star Short Story Contest, but I've been studying the winners, and it is quite clear that this would not be up their alley.  I might still do it, but I have to decide which literary magazines actually still publish humour.  Not many, unfortunately.  I'm not making as much progress as I would like on modelling, but I have laid the groundwork for some interesting work.  I think mostly this will just have to be done when I am in better spirits, which of course depends on the return of better weather.  What I really ought to do is work on the quilt, so I'll make a push on that this weekend.

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