
Friday, March 8, 2019

Spring Break Cancelled

Spring Break is not technically or rather, literally, cancelled for the TDSB, but we had been toying with the idea of going to Montreal.  As one thing after another came up (doctor appointment, dentist appointment, concert), this kept getting shrunk down until it would have just been leaving fairly early on Friday and then returning either Sat. late afternoon or Sunday, all by train.  The last straw was a report that it was likely going to be snowing in Montreal next week, and I definitely have had it with winter...

We may just rent a car for a day and drive out to Hamilton.  If this goes reasonably well, then perhaps in a few weeks we might drive out to London (more like a 2.5 hour trip).  I don't think we'll ever take really long car trips, however, which is quite different from how I grew up.

I'm a little bummed out by not taking any time off now, but I'll just try to figure out some real vacations to take this summer.

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