
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Winter - It's Never Over

It is supposedly going to rain much of today (Saturday) and there is a strong chance that this will turn to snow at some point!  Unbelievable.  Well, I can recall one year that we had a dusting of snow in mid to late April, and I guess this is going to be one of those years.

It is true that Friday was pretty nice out, and I biked to work, making it 4 times in one week.  Sunday should be warmer and melt any snow that actually falls.

We have another problem, however.  The furnace, after valiantly sticking it out through the winter, has conked out.  It may just be a simple fix or it might be more involved (and expensive).  Unfortunately, this happened in the middle of the night, so there is no point in trying to call now and get an appointment for a service call.  We have to wait until the morning.  I am hoping that there won't be a huge rush on people wanting their furnaces serviced, since it has finally warmed up a fair bit (from 3 weeks ago).  Still, it is extremely frustrating and certainly not something I wanted to have to deal with over the weekend...

Edit: Well, now that it is morning, the furnace is coming on and is not damaged irreparably.  That's quite a relief!  I suspect it is some quirk of the thermostat that we have to figure out.  We may in the end still ask for them to send somebody out, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as urgent.

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