
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Dueling loaves

I had this pretty amusing mental image of a duel with baguettes.  Curiously, there was not that much on the internet, though I eventually found this picture.

In any event, on Monday I made another loaf of banana bread.  I've found that one of the grocery stores nearby sells bananas that go bad fairly quickly, so I've been baking banana bread almost every week.  Consequently, I'm getting pretty good at it.

However, I found that my director had also brought in some home-made bread, so people could do a head-to-head comparison.  I don't want to brag, but ...

In all seriousness, there has been someone leaving or changing jobs virtually every week, so there have also been a huge number of farewell parties.  This is causing real havoc with my diet.  Last year I was much stricter and stopped going to all these events, though it is a challenge when the person being honored is part of your team -- then it just seems really rude.  Nonetheless, I'm exercising enough, so to restart the weight loss I have to be eating better.  Easier said than done, but I think my will power is slowly returning.  I guess I can discuss my progress in a couple of months.

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