
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Rainy week

I guess it isn't really a surprise, but this week is mostly grey and rained out.  Monday didn't really rain, but it was overcast and somewhat clammy while riding in.  The streets were still wet from the deluge on Sunday, so I went down Richmond rather than King.  When it is wet, I find King just a bit too treacherous with all the streetcar tracks that one has to cross.  I actually saw someone hit them wrong and go down pretty hard last week.  I'm still a bit gun-shy from my accident and thus am more cautious than I used to be.  I guess that isn't such a bad thing in general.

Tuesday was fine in the morning, but then the forecast said it would be raining most of the late afternoon and evening.  I thought it might be another heavy rain like Sunday so was getting a bit agitated.  In the end, it was more like a minor drizzle, not unlike Vancouver weather.  Nonetheless, I left work a bit early, so I wouldn't have to deal with the height of rush hour traffic and the rain.  If I had known it was going to be so light, I probably wouldn't have bothered.

Today (Wed.) is probably the only nice day all week.  This may well be the last time I ride to work this week,* but I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow and how much it actually rains.  Nonetheless, I have been getting in quite a bit of exercise and saving money (and hassles) by avoiding the TTC.  So that's all to the good.

One small benefit of the rain is that it looks like we will have flowers blooming soon.  Here are some purple flowers peeking up in the front yard.

* I only just now remembered that I have Friday off, though not Monday.  Taking one day off from biking due to the rain will allow a reasonable amount of rest for my weary legs.  I may well drop by work over the weekend to put the final touches on the Canadian taxes, but most likely that would be done by transit.  I just hope there are no planned subway closures like there were last weekend...

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