
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Russian Masters in Toronto

While it isn't impossible to hear Shostakovich or Prokofiev and certainly not Tchaikovsky in Toronto, these composers were programmed more often in Chicago and even Vancouver.  I'll discuss a bit in a separate post, but I booked a ticket for Hand to God at Coal Mine Theatre for a Sunday matinee on May 5.  (Virtually all the other shows were sold out!  But I probably could have found a different matinee performance)  As it turns out, the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra is having a big blow out performance at that time, and I would likely have gone.  They are playing Shostakovich Symphony 10, Prokofiev's Suite from The Love of Three Oranges and a Mussorgsky piece.  I obviously can't go to both, and I can't change my Coal Mine ticket at this point.  What does soften the blow a bit is that this November, Sir Andrew Davis is back in town conducting the full TSO in Shostakovich Symphony 10 and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto 1, which should be a good concert.  Currently, single tickets are not on sale, but you can put together a subscription series and add this event.

I've probably heard The Love of Three Oranges in person, but it would take some sleuthing to verify.  I certainly know that I had heard Shostakovich #10 before.  At any rate, this led me to go back and try to update this list of symphonies I have heard in person.

Focusing just on Toronto performances, this leaves this list:
#1 (TSO - Nov 2016)
#5 (TSO - Nov 2016 and March 2019)
#6 (TSO - May 2018)
#8 (TSO - April 2016)
#9 (Kindred Spirits Orchestra - July 2016)
#10 (TSO - Nov 2019*)
#13 (TSO - May 2016)

It's a solid list,** though I'm still a bit bummed that I still haven't seen Shostakovich Symphony 12 or 14, and they aren't that likely to turn up here, though I'll keep looking.  It's actually possible that the Kindred Spirits Orchestra (KSO) played them, but I usually am not willing to rent a car and travel up to Richmond Hill or Markham (their usual haunts).  However, I sometimes make it to their June concert when they rent out the Glenn Gould Studio at the CBC.  I did see them playing Shostakovich #9 in 2016.  Now this June, they are playing a concert featuring Hindemith's Symphonic Metamorphosis and Prokofiev's Symphony 2, which I don't think I've seen live (mostly having seen #5 and 7).  I'll probably go, though I haven't completely made up my mind. June 2020 will be Franck's Symphonic Variations, Tchaikovsky Symphony 5, and Shostakovich's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2.  That looks like a fairly compelling concert, and I'll try to put it on my calendar to order tickets, though obviously there is no rush.

My biggest question right now is whether to go out to Hamilton tonight to try to catch Prokofiev's Violin Concerto 2.  I'm leaning that way, but this is a fairly full weekend already, and there are a few things (including work things) that I just won't get around to if I don't just buckle down and get to it.  However, I would be able to catch up on some reading and maybe make some progress on The Man Without Qualities, since I would be taking the Hamilton Express Bus if I do go.  I guess I have another hour or so to decide one way or the other.

* Forthcoming

** It does appear I didn't see any Shostakovich symphonies in 2017 (though I may have seen the odd concerto or two).  The TSYO did perform Shostakovich 5 in 2017, but I didn't go to that.

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