
Monday, April 22, 2019

The Long Weekend Wraps

Overall, this was a fairly productive weekend.  I did take it easy (mostly) on Friday, taking a bit of a catnap though I still went to the gym towards the end of the day.

Sat. I did the grocery shopping early, then ran to the mall to get more of the plastic eggs (as my wife had thrown out the ones from last year).  I packed up eggs with chocolate for the Easter egg hunt while waiting on the furnace guy.  We actually had wanted to get in on a deal to replace our AC (it had been completely out last summer, and this summer is likely to be just as hot or even hotter).  I was open to discussing a furnace/AC combo, since the furnace is also pretty old -- and getting unreliable.  The salesman was an hour late, which was super annoying, but I managed to get other things done in the meantime.  While there was a decent deal on a rental, I thought overall I would prefer just to buy the new unit outright, especially as there was a good sale that was (supposedly) wrapping up.  We settled up, and the new unit will be installed on Tuesday.  Fortunately, we are in that time of year where you don't absolutely need the furnace on (while it is offline being reinstalled) but it is nowhere close to warm enough to be running air conditioning (not that I run it much anyway).

After all this concluded, I ran to the library and then to work.  I really wanted to push through and finish the Canadian taxes.  I managed to get them done at about 10 pm.  While I do owe a chunk of money, it is actually less than I thought when I did the first rough cut, so I'll probably put a bit down as an installation payment for 2019 and maybe a bit into my RRSP.  Anyway, it is just good to be done.  I managed to catch one of the last trains home (they were going to shut service down early) and crashed.

Sunday, we had the egg hunt on the street.  It was a bit much.  I don't think I'll stuff any eggs next year, given that some parents are putting out 100-200 eggs! 

At any rate the kids (and the kids at heart) had a good time.  The weather wasn't great, but it didn't rain and it wasn't too cold.

I knew the AGO would be open, so I biked over.  I wasn't as sure about the Bau-Xi Gallery, but it was, which was nice.  There was a small show by Alex Cameron that was about to close, and I wanted to catch that.

Alex Cameron, Tornado Alley, ca. 2018

While the Cameron show was ok (I think my favourite was Tornado Alley), I was actually a bit more interested in Kathryn Macnaughton's work.  They had a large canvas, Fluid, on view.  She will have her own show in July, and I'll probably stop by for that, though her work is much too large to think about bringing into the house.

Kathryn Macnaughton, Fluid, ca. 2018

I made a short visit to the AGO, though I didn't go into the Impressionist exhibit, since I knew I'd be coming back again in a week or two.  (I was also a bit too early to try to get into the new Infinity Room.)  I was on a bit of a hunt for this Joseph Beuys' piece.  It turns out it is on the far east side of the gallery, where they used to display a huge Rubens.  It was kind of interesting, though I probably wouldn't make a point of going to the AGO just to see it.

Joseph Beuys, Hare's Grave (Vitrine), 1964-1979

Then I biked over to The Power Plant at Harbourfront.  I wasn't as sure this would be open, but it was.  Thus, of all the exhibits I discuss in this post, I made to everything except Ai Weiwei (still running through early June at Gardiner), the moon at Aga Khan (though I have a free pass lined up) and the upcoming Textile Museum exhibit.  Not bad.

Of the 3 artists, I liked Omar Ba the most.  His work was somewhat dreamlike.  I'm sure it is a lazy comparison to say it reminded me a bit of Chris Ofili's work, but it did (more the oversized figures than the colour scheme).

Omar Ba, Afrique, pillages, arbres, richess, 2014

Omar Ba, Les Autres, 2015

I went back to work for a bit, though I didn't really get a jump on the week, unfortunately.  After I biked home, I went over to the gym.  Pretty busy for a weekend where I should have tried to rest more...

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