
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

2019 Fringe Round-up

In the end, we did go see In Waking Life, which is a partly scripted, partly improvised piece about two Norwedish psychics (raised on the border of Norway and Sweden by a family of goats...).  I'd say they are more Gen Z than Millennial, though they were very stuck on One Direction (and hated Zayn), which may be more of a Millennial thing. 

At any rate, they were one of the Best of Fringe shows that will be playing in a couple of weeks in North York.  More details here.  In addition to this show, I also saw The Huns and Three Men on a Bike, which also get repeat performances.  The Huns and Tita Jokes were Patron Picks, though the already had their extra performance last Sunday.  Finally, The Commandment was picked to be part of Fringe Orangeville, which runs this up coming weekend.  That means that of the 10 shows I saw, fully 5 of them were Patron Picks, Best of Fringe or picked as part of Fringe Orangeville.  That's a decent hit rate.  As I said, there was only one that was a total waste of time.

I'll just have to see what mood I am in next year and whether I can manage to see 10 shows, or I scale back a bit.

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