
Thursday, July 4, 2019

First Night of Fringe

Back from the first day/night of Fringe.  I saw The Commandment, which was an interesting take on an atheist visited by God, who sounded almost a bit like Jimmy Stewart as the message got relayed.  It definitely had some dark moments, but worth checking out.  (I definitely like this year's Tip the Fringe button -- there are actually four different designs, but I'll stick with this one.)

I had just a bit of time between work and the show, so I managed to check out the art gallery in Hart House (just a few weeks left for the exhibit to run -- featuring Carrie Mae Weems, it is linked to the Scotiabank photography festival) and then dropped off some books at Robarts, so it felt productive.

I'm booked for Three Men and a Bike tomorrow.  Ironically, I probably won't be biking as it is up a very steep ridge to get to Tarragon, and then I need to turn around and get to the Randolph Theatre on Bathhurst, though this is for a show I don't have tickets booked, so I am taking a bit of chance, not that hordes of people make it out to the second night of the Fringe.  I think I'll end up TTC'ing it again, but I'll see how I feel in the morning.

While I am seeing 11 or so shows this time around, it still doesn't feel quite as frantic as last year, when I had to try to do as much as possible on Sat. evening and Sunday to avoid conflicts with my show.

But this is probably going to be the big hurrah this summer.  I'm just not that interested in SummerWorks this year.  I also was kind of horrified at the Stratford ticket prices.  $115 or so for the cheapest ticket to Henry VIII.  That's too rich for my blood, so unless they email me a discount code later in the summer, I shan't be going to Stratford after all.  Too bad.

Not that it compensates or anything, but I saw that Beck is going to be touring with Spoon, and they're playing Toronto on August 11.  I should be in town, so I am starting to think seriously about going to that.

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