
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Giving It Away (Almost)

I'm generally doing pretty well giving away books in the Little Free Library.  Of course, I have a few that I have disposed of with prejudice (Zorba and Lincoln in the Bardo), but other books I thought were pretty good, just not ones that I would be reading a second time.  From time to time, others will leave books, so in general the box is pretty well stocked.  My biggest concern now is that the table that the whole thing sits on is starting to give way, so I may need to put this up on a post after all.

However, it is getting harder and harder to get any money for books that I take to the used book store.  I'm still pretty sore about BMV not taking my copy of The Man Without Qualities.  It is in good condition, with both dust jackets and the slip cover box.  They said that they were having trouble getting rid of paperback copies, and then asked if I just wanted to leave it with them for nothing!  Actually, the last time I checked, they only had volume 2 in paperback, so I can understand why that might be moving slowly...  I didn't feel like arguing, but I also am pretty soured on BMV, and it might be a while before I go back.  It's really a shame that Eliot's Books has closed, but I think I'll reach out to a couple of bookstores on Danforth and then, if they both pass, then there is one on Roncesvalles that was aimed a bit more at serious readers, so they might be interested.  I could always put it on Amazon, but the shipping costs are pretty steep nowadays.

At any rate, I have a whole lot of CDs that I am still trying to get rid of, and I might just put them out on the street the next time that there is a neighbourhood yard sale.  I haven't quite decided about a stack of children's DVDs, but I may also consider a yard sale.

I mean I could try Craigslist or Kijiji, though I have to say the last time didn't go so well.  I had three inquiries for the girl's bike I was trying to get rid of, but I couldn't find the training wheels, and they all ultimately passed.  I didn't think I would manage to get rid of this bed frame, but I did have one person ask about it and then change their mind.  I even looked at Bunz to try to trade for it, but Bunz wanted me to post a photo before I could sign up, and that did not appeal to me at all...  I finally just put the bed frame and mattress out for the garbage pick-up (it's kind of incredible how much space we have in the basement now!).  I'm still trying to get rid of the bike and a file cabinet, but it is much harder than it should be.

Maybe the next time we move (downsizing to a condo), I'll have to get rid of most of the books and CDs, since the next opportunity for a big purging (when I pass away) there won't be any value left for all these things.  What a change from when I was growing up and there were all these estate sales.  Now hardly anyone wants tangible things at all, but they want it digitized instead.  (As an aside, access to digital files and obviously data streams cannot be passed on to heirs, but maybe that is just as well.  Most people don't really know what to do with all the stuff that they inherit anyway.)  I wonder if any of the art works I bought have any actual lasting value.  Probably not for the most part unfortunately.

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