
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Civic Holiday Too Short

While my daughter was significantly put out by the early August Civic holiday, as she wanted to go to the library, I enjoyed my time off.  I didn't work particularly hard this weekend, leaving a couple things aside that I could have tackled but decided to put on hold.

I did some weeding and watering of the plants in the yard.  While I don't think they will actually yield any vegetables, I did plant some carrots, beans and cucumbers a few weeks back.  I guess the raccoons do keep the rabbits away, but raccoons are also pretty disruptive (and personally I'd rather have rabbits).  I caught one raccoon sniffing around the discarded bean seed package.  I'll try to remember to stake the surviving beans and cucumbers pretty soon.

I did manage to clean out a small space in the study to do a jigsaw puzzle.  It's far from ideal, as I don't have enough space to spread out all the pieces.  I did manage to turn up all but one of the edge pieces, and I am currently working on the white/light areas.  Then I'll switch to the blue and green areas.  I have to admit this isn't as relaxing or fun as it used to be (I used to be a pretty good puzzler, though not world class or anything).

I'll see if I can make more progress over the next week or so, but I think more than anything I wanted to reclaim that space to 1) force me to go through a bunch of CDs to take to the second-hand shops and 2) make space for a possible litter box.  I've been thinking more and more seriously about getting a cat, and I think I'll do it this fall.  It's still to be negotiated with my wife, however.

I read a fair bit over the long weekend, including while sitting out on the lower deck, which was nice, though this triggered a major allergic reaction Tuesday morning.  I went to the gym a couple of times and did a bit of shopping for the kids on Monday (as most stores actually were open).  It was a poor second-best to actually being on vacation (summer vacation was cancelled this year for a lot of reasons I don't want to go into), but it was a nice change of routine.

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