
Thursday, August 15, 2019

(Henry) Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Appropriately enough, since I named-checked The Lowest of the Lowest in the last post, I had a pair of shoes fall apart on me and I had to replace them pronto.  I believe I've seen TLOTL play the song live twice.  It's not my very favourite song, but it is up there, and it is certainly the song I know best from its inclusion on a Q101 sampler from way back in the day.  Here's a relatively recent performance (with the current lineup, I believe), though I wasn't at this Lee's Palace gig.

Anyway, this is how the shoe peeled apart.

So obviously I needed some replacement shoes.  I stopped by Winner's at lunch but didn't like what they had on offer.  On the way home, I stopped by a different Winner's and found some black tennis shoes that are pretty similar to this pair.  I'm not in love with them, but they'll do.

As it happens, this is the change room at Regent Park Aquatic Centre.  I was trying out a new pair of goggles, but they leaked water like crazy, so I had to stop after one lap.  So incredibly frustrating.  In any event, I returned the new pair and more or less sulked for the rest of the evening.  It just doesn't seem like I will be doing any swimming any time soon.  I really need to track down my old goggles.  Hopefully they are hiding in the basement somewhere.

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