
Thursday, September 5, 2019

One step forward, two steps back

I'll just be cryptic today.  Maybe in a few weeks I'll write down what is really bothering me,* but for the moment, I'll just focus on something annoying but not that important.  I have been focusing on archiving my music (and to a lesser extent getting CDs out of the house) and slowly getting through my piles of books, including a depressingly large pile in the basement.  That means that I put most other projects to the side, including working on a quilt for my son.

I have finally turned my attention back to this.  While it will be tight, if I focus, I should manage to get it ready for Christmas.  At any rate, I turned up the small pair of scissors I need to trim the stray threads and also the seam ripper, which I also need.  However, I simply cannot find the "roadmap" that I created to help me keep the pattern correct.


It's not just the pattern though.  I also had some notes written down on how to press the seams, and probably most important, some notes on how many squares it would take to extend the pattern a bit more.  In the end, I just reprinted this and will recalculate the squares.  It is always annoying to lose work like that, but no point in stewing over it.  At this point, I basically need two more rows, and then I'll have the entire top half completed.  The bottom half will be a lot more annoying, however, since everywhere you see an upside down animal (the deer on white and blue backgrounds and the penguins), I have to rip out the squares and sew them in correctly.  This probably more than anything else is what really caused me to put this project on hold, but I think I am over the mental hump now.  I'll try to report back when I hit the 75% mark.

* While not the most important thing on my mind, I have been backsliding a bit in my diet, eating a bit more comfort food.  I'm still going to the gym and biking, so not all is lost, but I will need to get more serious about cutting out junk food if I want to be able to fit into my clothes (the ones that I have been able to wear again since losing the weight last year).  At the same time, if I stress over this too much, it will just make things worse.  A true dilemma...

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