
Monday, October 28, 2019

More Basement Clean-up

I really wish I had taken a before photo, but this gives a little bit of a sense of how deep the boxes were in the basement storage area.

Now you have to imagine this stretching across the entire length of the basement shelves, approximately 18 feet.  I was told I needed to clear off 12 or so feet by Monday, since that is where the bathroom had to go.

While I was getting a little sloppy by the end, and not caring overly much about what I was throwing away, I managed to get enough cleared for the job to start.

A few things of interest turned up.  I found a bag of refrigerator magnets, as well as a few missing mugs.  Even a masher that will be helpful when I make mashed potatoes.  Now there are still a few missing CDs (I had a bad habit of not always putting the CD back in the right case -- it isn't so bad if they are scrambled in cases, but if they end up in the tall stack of data CDs/DVDs, it is very hard to find later on), and I'll just have to keep my eyes open.

So where did everything go?  We put a wire shelving rack in the back room (more of a tool shed really) and that is now mostly full of boxes of holiday decorations, which will have to be even further consolidated after this Christmas.

An awful lot of stuff was just recycled, and we'll be getting rid of a lot of cardboard boxes over the next few weeks.  I'll also have to pay for at least two extra bags of garbage this week, though maybe the contractor will have a bit of spare room in his bin.  And we gave away about four boxes of stuff to Value Village and put some old clothes in the donation bins.

While this feels pretty amazing to have gotten through so much stuff, I did leave a few boxes to go through later, since they could be tucked away for the time being.  And there is another room with a lot of boxes that my daughter is insisting I clear out, though this may not happen, at least to her liking.  After the bathroom is framed in, I'll have a better sense of whether I can store a bunch of boxes full of books next to the bathroom, or I have to find another solution.

But it was a fairly exhausting weekend, and I don't want to have to repeat this right away...

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