
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Quick Notes on Theatre

I decided, after some reflection, to pass on The Life and Death of Fred Herko, even though Claire Burns is directing.  It runs through this weekend (more details here), but it's just not that compelling to me.  I also have decided to pass on the Buddies in Bad Times production of Pass Over, which is a bit of a mash-up of Waiting for Godot and something by Amiri Baraka, such as The Slave.  I was only marginally interested in this, and then I found out that the author, Antoinette Nwandu, disliked the review she got from the Chicago Sun-Times to the point that she and her friends tried to deplatform the critic, Hedy Weiss, and insist that no theatres give Weiss tickets to their shows.  I am so, so tired of this moment in our culture that I cannot see my way to supporting anyone who endorses these tactics.  (I suppose in my own way, I am trying to cancel Nwandu, but there is a difference in that I am not actively trying to prevent others from going to this show, or really even to dissuade them.)

I saw The Flick at Crow's Nest.  While I think the actor playing Sam is definitely too young for the part (and his bald haircut/wig is not at all convincing), the piece holds together pretty well.  This time around, I noticed that Sam seems to indicate that his romantic life is on the upswing, and I didn't catch that the first time I saw the play.  Interestingly, the racial dimension still mattered but wasn't quite as overwhelming as when I saw it in Chicago.  They've added a few more shows, so this is certainly worth checking out, but be aware it is 3+ hours and there is not all that much action, so this is not a show for the casual theatre-goer.

In early Nov., Outside the March will be selling tickets to The Ex-Boyfriend Yard Sale, which I missed at the Theatre Centre.  I personally don't think it is the best fit to be doing it at the Young Centre, and it would fit much better at Factory or Theatre Passe Muraille.  However, the tickets won't be outrageously expensive, and I just need to remember to book them this time around...

I think I will try to get rush tickets for A Streetcar Named Desire after all, mostly due to reviews of how good Mac Fyfe is in this.  There are two weeks left, and I suspect there should be a few seats in the middle of the week.  If not, then I can always use the time to go to the gym or go swimming...  However, the fact that it is also 3+ hours long disinclines me from taking my son, as that just is too long for him.  I honestly don't know why it is so long, as I am sure I've seen it done in 2 hours...

While I am glad that Soulpepper is finally getting with the times and adding Sunday matinees (they held out for the longest time), their ticket prices are still just too high.  I'll only see Fugard's Sizwe Banzi is Dead and Hwang's M. Butterfly if I can get rush tickets.  Sizwe Banzi is Dead is totally ace (and I may try to take my son), but I did see this in Chicago, though 10 years ago now!

George Brown has a somewhat truncated season this year, but I'm still looking forward to Metamorphoses and Rhinoceros in 2020.

I think I mentioned that I did get the 3 show pass as Factory, but I won't be seeing anything for a few months.  The next major play (aside from trying to rush Streetcar) will be Henry VIII at Stratford on Sunday.  Next season Stratford looks pretty interesting indeed, and I just need to see if there is a weekend where I can check out The Rez Sisters and The Miser (and just possibly Hamlet 9/11).  Given that I am leaning towards taking my son to Hamlet, that can be more of a one-off, either a Saturday or Sunday matinee.

The only other thing that I really need to remember to get my tickets for is Sweat at Canadian Stage in Jan.  I'll probably start seeing offers in my in-box in another month.  And then probably Good People by David Lindsay-Abaire at Bloor West Village Players in March.

As a total aside, DPS is still quite good about letting me track upcoming performances of plays under their banner, but Samuel French has completely given up on updating their Now Playing feature.  There are quite a few shows that never get listed at all.  Frustrating.  And with that, it really is time for bed.

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