
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Under-the-Weather Weekend

I've been fighting off a cold or something these past two weeks, and I finally gave in on Sat.  (I'm sure it didn't help that I finally ran out of antihistamine tablets.)  I cancelled my plans for the day and mostly slept in.  Now it isn't that I did absolutely nothing on Sat.  I finished a playlet on a student that comes to live with her aunt and uncle to study at UT.  It probably won't get taken for SFYS, since it was appallingly late, and it is a bit too long.  Also, I decided I didn't like the ending, as it was too pat.  I'm going to add a 3-4 page coda that I think will liven it up a bit.  I should be able to get to that today.  I also went and got the groceries in the evening, but otherwise I tried to rest.  I even skipped the gym, so I'm feeling somewhat guilty about that.  Maybe it is just as well that my daughter's glasses didn't come in after all, even though at the time I was quite annoyed.

I'm feeling a bit better today and will try to get through some of my abandoned tasks today.  I probably will make it downtown for a while.  I'll likely take my daughter to Matty Eckler for a short pool session, and then I'll probably hit the gym after that.

One thing that is, mercifully, still on track is the installation of the downstairs bathroom.  It was framed on Thurs., then the drywall went up Friday and then yesterday they started prepping to do the painting and installation of the fixtures.

It looks like it will be a good-sized shower, which is pretty nice, though it will definitely take some getting use to in terms of getting in there, since there is a heating duct that runs right along side of it.  Also, it will be a tight squeeze to access the spare refrigerator, though I think over time we'll come to terms with the space.

The plan is to be finished with the construction on Friday, and I presume they will clean up the inside and outside spaces Friday and Saturday.  It will certainly be nice not having so much junk in the backyard, as it made it very challenging to put out the garbage, and I've pretty much given up on cycling for the time being.  (To be fair, I am so much more gun shy about riding in inclement weather that I had already unofficially stopped biking to work.)

The main issue after that will be to continue clearing out more of the boxes of storage and to figure out to do with essentially 5-6 boxes of books that are very, very low on my reading list.  There's only so much room in my Little Free Library after all... 

Well, I had better run if I am going to get anything done today.

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