
Monday, March 2, 2020

Even More Deadlines

I did manage to write one piece for Sing-for-Your-Supper (about the unlikely romance between an Uber driver and a Foodora courier).  It was a bit of a rush job, written in one day, but it flowed pretty well once I started.  It was one day late, but they accepted it, and it is going up tonight!  So that's always exciting.

I was one day early on getting in my short story for the Toronto Star Short Fiction contest.  It's a good thing I did get it in, as Friday was a pretty horrid day, and I didn't get back to the office until after 5, so I would have missed the deadline completely.  I don't think this will do all that well, since I turned a playlet into a short story.  It is extremely dialogue heavy.  But you never know.

At any rate, I just found out that there is a short play festival in Burlington, and they are accepting one short script.  I think I'll take the playlet I wrote just a few months back (and incidentally the piece that I turned into a short story for the Star).  It won't take a lot of polishing.  Anyway, the deadline is Friday, but that should be no problem at this point.

There are a few work deadlines, though none of them all that pressing at this point.  There are probably a few other contests I am just not aware of, but I think I am mostly on top of the deadlines for the time being.  Though I just remembered I have a book review due in May, but that is so far away it hardly counts...

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