
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Some Good News

There was a report that no one on the Raptors appears to have caught the coronavirus, so that's great news.  It's not that I care more about the team than other Canadians, but they had been out meeting the community after their Utah trip, so the infection rate could have really gone through the roof.

Grocery lines are still generally long, but people are being fairly chill about it.  One of the grocery stores near me was pretty much stripped of all fresh fruit and veggies (aside from red potatoes for some reason!) while the other was reasonably well stocked.  Bread was still in short supply, though we have quite a bit of bread in the freezer (and 3 frozen pizzas!) and we have a reasonable amount of random pasta.  Both of them were still out of toilet paper, however.

I did need to come downtown to make sure I had everything I needed for teleworking, starting Monday.  I decided I would check out The Power Plant, since it is still open, for the moment.  On the way, I dropped into the Longo's.  To my surprise, they had just received a huge order of toilet paper.  They had asked people limit their purchase to 2 per household.  While quite a few people did pick up a package (including me), it wasn't universal.  So it seems a bit of the panic buying is over, at least in the downtown.

While this has absolutely nothing to do with the virus, my co-author and I submitted our paper to Transportation Planning and Technology, so that's quite exciting.  Apparently, you have to be fairly patient with this journal, but as with most things it is generally worth the wait.  Hopefully, we won't have to make any major, major changes to the paper to get it published.

In my next post, I'll probably list things that I had been looking forward to in the spring/early summer, and then I will track which still are going ahead, which are postponed and which get cancelled outright.  Obviously, I am hoping that few end up in that third category.  More anon...

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