
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Moderately Productive Weekend

This wasn't quite as productive a weekend as a few weeks ago, when I was getting through all my taxes.  However, I did manage to host a live reading of my plays, though the Livestream on Youtube failed through a very frustrating set of circumstance, which I will detail in a different post.  I haven't quite finished cutting the video together, but I'll probably wrap that up shortly.

Today I did unwind a bit and read outdoors, then I did a fair bit of weeding in the front yard.  I did not get around to planting any seeds, but I'll probably do that later in the week.  I also rode my bike a fair bit on Sat., even though the weather wasn't nearly as nice.  On the other hand, that meant fewer people were out, and I never felt particularly crowded.

I also watched Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove with my son.  He actually had a school assignment to watch a movie about the Cold War and write a short essay about it, so I figured he might as well start with the best.  I haven't actually seen this in many, many years.  I had been meaning to watch a bunch of Monty Python movies in honor of Terry Jones, but that never happened (at least in part because I had to get new batteries for the remote that operates the DVD player...).  Maybe I'll try to watch at least one this upcoming week.  As it so happens, Videocabaret was going to be doing The Cold War from April-June, and this would have also been something entertaining and instructive.  I assume that they will have to pause this, most likely until 2021, but I'll watch it whenever they open their doors.

I'm hoping that by not going completely crazy on work over the weekend, I am a bit more recharged for Monday, but I guess we'll see.  The nicer weather helps as well, and at least I took reasonable advantage of it.*

And while this doesn't really have anything directly to do with me or my activities, there is finally a slowing of the new Covid cases in Ontario, though the deaths, particularly among seniors in assisted living facilities remain high.  This is positive news, and helps us along the road to recovery.  Ontario is taking a fairly slow approach to reopening, though it seems that most stores will likely be reopened by the summer with reduced capacities.  More and more stores are planning on requiring the use of masks, so I had really better get around to making a few (and a co-worker is going to give me one that her mom has sewn).  I think the things I really care about (theatre and concerts) will be the longest to reopen, but that day will come eventually.  I think that's probably it for now.

* The flip side of it being nice out and working outside is that it is also allergy season, and I was not feeling great this morning...

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