
Monday, June 29, 2020

Partially Successful Sunday

I was a little annoyed to learn that the UT book drop was closed, so it looks like I will be hanging onto The Plague longer than I anticipated.  I had specifically asked about the availability of the book drop, though to be fair, I did ask about this several months ago and obviously things have changed, as the shut-down dragged on a lot longer than many people expected.  As it happens, I didn’t go too far out of my way, since I had planned to check out the Bau-Xi Gallery as well.  They had just hung a new exhibition of Chase Langford's work.  There were several pieces I liked, sort of geometric abstractions, that in several cases were also reminiscent of Lawren Harris’s arctic scenes (perhaps by way of Douglas Coupland’s cheeky paint-by-numbers deconstructions of the Group of Seven).  

Chase Langford, Grinnel Mountain

Chase Langford, Blue Glacier 1

Douglas Coupland, Maligne Lake, Jasper Park after Lawren Harris

At any rate, I’m glad I checked it out (and the photo gallery 3 doors down was also open).  I managed to make it over there to the Michael Wolf exhibit right before things closed down.  The Wolf photos have been rotated back into storage, but they had a number of interesting photos from David Leventi.  

David Leventi, Florent

I’m not that likely to visit the AGO next weekend (probably a bit too packed) but maybe the weekend after (and I might stop in another time or not).  The weekend after that I will most likely be biking over to MOCA, so hopefully the weather cooperates.

I then continued on to Union Station.  I was disappointed but not particularly surprised than the food court wasn’t open.  I put in a few hours at work and came home.  Overall a decent day, though I didn’t really get enough rest.

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