
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Chill in the Air (Take 2)

I'm still incredibly annoyed that the save and even the update functions no longer work as before.  I am doing a bit more testing to see if I can get the base functionality back in Blogger, including tagging.  If not, it was a pretty good run, but it's true that hardly anyone reads blogs any more and they certainly don't drop by to comment, which sort of defeats the purpose, unless this is truly just going to be an on-line diary.

I'm definitely glad I didn't watch the Raptors get dismantled in Game 5.  Unfortunately, they are basically being outplayed by Boston, and it doesn't seem likely they'll get out of this round.  It's actually quite rare for me to watch an entire game of basketball (and perhaps I never have), though last year I caught chunks while at the gym.

Despite it being a holiday, I did some work.  I managed to fix one of the doors that just wouldn't lock (or rather it had to be slammed and occasionally kicked to lock, particularly when it was really humid).  I think the house is shifting just enough to cause these issues (and some in the basement), though this was relatively easy to fix.  While it has taken much, much longer than usual (and we had to resort to putting out a call on Facebook), it looks like I finally have a handyman who will stop by this week -- and do inside work, which has been quite a problem for a while now.

I did go off to the gym, which means I will likely make it 3 times over 7 days, which was basically my pre-pandemic routine, though I probably won't keep that up.  Twice a week is a little more likely for the time being, and I am not swimming at the moment either.  Going to the gym is probably the riskiest thing I've done to date.  I did go to the movies twice with my son (to see Inception and then Nolan's Tenet), though only four people were in the theatre for Inception and only 6 for Tenet!  So that didn't feel remotely risky.  I assume it is somewhat busier downtown.  I do know there are some incredible scolds who feel nothing, and particularly not movie theatres, should reopen until the pandemic is over, though I personally feel a more balanced approach is in order.  Large chunks of the economy are still in tatters (and it is quite likely that most of the entertainment industry is going to go under by this winter), so I'm certainly willing to do my small part to keep some things going.  That said, I probably would go ahead and shut down all the bars once patio season is over, as drunk and even tipsy people have been shown time and time again to have poor judgment and cannot maintain social distancing and quite a few outbreaks have been linked to bars.

I even cooked a potato-carrot casserole, but I won't know until tomorrow how well it turned out.  I didn't get a lot of work work done nor did I get through enough of the clutter that I still need to deal with, but I definitely wasn't completely idle.  I think that's enough retyping for the time being.  If I still am in the mood tomorrow I'll cover a few more of the topics that were erased.

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