
Monday, January 25, 2021

The Hammer Falls (Again)

I am so depressed by these emergency orders, which have just been extended through Feb. 9.  In some ways, I'm annoyed that there are so many loopholes that you end up feeling like a sap if you follow them to the letter.  We can only leave our houses for exercise and essential services, but then plenty of businesses can still be open for curbside pickup?  Really?  And to make matters worse, because the Province won't just come out and close down most of these businesses, they can't really decide whether to keep going or not, making it harder for their employees to apply for federal or the (very slim) Provincial safety net programs.

No one really knows if the high school students will get back to in-person instruction around Feb. 10 (or even the 3rd Quadmester!) and whether this will erode the minor progress we've seen to date.  I am glad that the cases are finally coming down (probably now that all the "essential" travelling to see relatives over the holidays has worked its way through the system), but I still wonder if the cost ultimately will be too high in terms of mental health, obesity in children as well as adults, bankruptcies and general fraying of the social fabric.

My mental state is not great these days, and I find I simply cannot be bothered to write much of anything.  I very much liked going in to the office, where I was basically completely alone in my side of the floor.  I find that I really need the separation from home, as well as the exercise to and from work, and the sooner I can return to that, the better.  I very grudgingly cancelled some holds at the library, but since the library is still offering curbside pickup, I put the holds back on and at least will have a purpose on some of my bike and walk trips, rather than aimlessly wandering.   

The realization that the promised vaccines are not coming at the promised rates and that most Canadians will not be vaccinated until September (so another summer with all core activities scrapped) is just too much to bear.  I do think 2021 is when a lot of small companies/restaurants/galleries/theatres decide it is time to pack it in.

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