
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Back on the Bike

Today was a pretty nice day, weather-wise, even by Spring standards.  Yesterday wasn't as nice, but it was bearable.  I mention this, as I took advantage of the fact that Toronto moved back to the grey zone (after 100 days in full lock-down, which was actually a North American record...) to go in to the office two days in a row.  I am still getting my biking legs back.  While I probably would not have actually biked in that many days this winter, esp. February where the local streets were kind of slushy, not having the choice at all made it quite a challenge to stay fit in any way (as I am very bad about working out at home and kind of need the gym or some out-of-home exercise).  I'm trying to make the most of it, since our medical officers are clearly having second thoughts about even moving to grey, and things may be rolled back before you can say Boo.

I've certainly seen a fair number of delivery bikes out and about, but not that many regular riders.  It's still a bit early.  I did decide to try to beat the rush and dropped my bike off at the bike shop last week for a tune up, so that it would be ready on Monday.  So that worked out fairly well.

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