
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Interim Reading List

As I have gotten so sidetracked, I'll just update a much shorter list here (however, not listing all the poetry I am reading) and, one day, when I have gotten through most of books I am purging from the house, I'll return to this list...

Atwood The Edible Woman
Hemingway To Have and Have Not
Welch In Youth is Pleasure & I Left My Grandfather's House

Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Cervantes Don Quixote (many interesting parts but it would have been so much better at 300-400 pages)
Lowry Under the Volcano
Rooke The House on Major Street
Colon A Puerto Rican in New York

Kennedy Lulu Incognito
Trevor Mrs. Eckdorf in O'Neill's Hotel (Mrs. Eckdorf was just appalling & I couldn't press on)
Kennedy Ride a Cockhorse
Atwood Payback
P. Hamilton The Slaves of Solitude
Lethem The Fortress of Solitude
J. Williams Stoner
Cary Herself Surprised/To Be a Pilgrim/The Horse's Mouth
Lodge Therapy
O'Connor Wise Blood
Tibor Fischer The Collector Collector (everything about this was annoying and I bailed) 
The Tale of Genji (it was unwise to tackle such a long book right after Quixote and I stopped)
Ford Canada
Shields The Box Garden
Ballard Concrete Island (just hated this and dropped it after a few pages)
Hornby High Fidelity
Oyeyemi Gingerbread (just not my cup of tea)
Grossman Soon I Will Be Invincible
Welty The Robber Bridegroom

Maugham The Razor's Edge
White Skinned Alive
Waidner Sterling Karat Gold
Coupland Shampoo Planet
(just landed in my Little Free Library)
Beckett Three Novels (Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable)
Roy The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
JG Farrell Troubles/The Siege of Krishnapur/The Singapore Grip
Bissoondath A Casual Brutality
Selvon The Lonely Londoners
Gaiman American Gods

Hrabel Murder Ballads (inc. The Legend of Cain)
Shields Larry's Party

Desani All About H. Hatterr
Chesterton The Man Who Was Thursday
Arlt The Seven Madmen & The Flamethrowers
Steinbeck Of Mice and Men
Giono The Open Road
Wharton The Age of Innocence

I actually moved Under the Volcano up many slots (from my main reading list), as I wanted to be sure I read the book before watching the movie (directed by John Huston).  Basically the same logic behind Wise Blood (also directed by Huston!) and The Razor's Edge (w/ Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney).

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